I'm pretty sure that I compiled the binary for 3.3.2 without debugging support. The only thing I can think of is to download the source release of 3.3.2 and compile it with debugging.

At the time 3.3.2 was released, using a debugger in Java was so painful that almost nobody did it.

"Kedzior Wojciech" <wojciech.kedz...@gemalto.com> wrote in message news:a8dd7b2abeb7b842af607d392ff73c7ee4834af...@croexcfwp03.gemalto.com...

I'm having a problem with setting up a remote debug session to my Tomcat 3.3.2 Final. I am copying some classes I developed into the working directory of an application deployed on tomcat. I can connect to the remote debug port from eclipse but the debugger will not stop on any break points what so ever. Here is my environment:

I specify the following system variables:


I start my Tomcat with the jpda start parameters.

While tailing the logs I can see the following line:

Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000

At this point I can connect to the remote debug port from Eclipse. I can see all the treads running within Tomcat, but my debug will not stop on any breakpoints. Even though the class I am trying to debug was created by me in Eclipse and I have the correct source.

The classes were compiled using Java 1.5.0_09. Tomcat also uses the same version of Java.

The tomcat is deployed on Linux RedHat 5.
Eclipse version is 3.5.1

The complied classes have a reference to the .java file.

To prove that the problem occurs with the entire deployment I obtained the sources for the deployed application, linked them in my eclipse and set some debug points. I know the flow goes through the line with break points because I used some dirty System.err output to prove this.

One thing that may be a hint is that the Tomcat startup log shows the following line:

EmbededTomcat: Startup time 45

The thing to note here is that I don't have control over the actual war file deployed in tomcat. I simply get the war from a different department in the company, deploy it, and write some classes that the deployed application will pick up and use.

I have studied this Embedded Tomcat a little bit and I don't know if this could be a problem.

Has someone experienced anything like this before? If so, I would appreciate it very much if you could shed some (even the dimmest) light onto this.


Wojtek Kedzior

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