09.03.2010 10:25, Alexander Skwar:

I didn't look at your build script, just a general remark below.

> Or is it just, that this shows, that our web app doesn't have a bottleneck
> in the "JSP land" (which would be a true statement - it communicates
> with some background databases and apps, which might not be the
> fastest...)?
> One thing which confuses me a bit though, is that when I call the web
> app for the first time (after deployment or after having re-started Tomcat),
> the web app is "slow". Ie. I go to http://server:8080/webapp and wait for
> like 10 seconds until the login screen of the web app is shown. This
> wait only happens for the very first time after deployment. When I do
> this again a few minutes/hours later, http://server:8080/webapp is shown
> right away.
> Shouldn't pre-compilation also make this first time wait go away?

Not "also" - the *only* gain that can be expected by pre-compilation of
JSPs is the elimination of the first time wait, since Tomcat doesn't
need to do the compilation on-the-fly when the JSP is accessed for the
first time. For all following accesses of the JSP it shouldn't matter
whether or not it was pre-compiled.
But: a noticeable difference can only be expected if it really is the
compilation that slows things down on first access. If, OTOH, the vast
amount of time is taken by, say, creation of DB connections,
pre-compiling the JSPs won't make much of a difference.


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