On 3/8/2010 6:46 PM, Richard Huntrods wrote:
> Does anyone know if it is possible, or has anyone done this:
> I have two applications running on a single server. The applications
> use different domains and URLs, so the single Tomcat instance can
> easily tell them apart. (Note: this part is currently working just fine).
> https://domain1/application1
> https://domain2/application2
> Again, both domains point to the same static IP, and yes, it is
> possible for someone to access either application from either domain.
> Normally, that is not an issue with the clients.
> However, I currently have only one SSL certificate on the server -
> this is for domain1. So if you use domain1 to access application1,
> it's all fine. The security cert comes up green and all that.
> BUT - if you try and access application2 via domain2, you get the red
> security cert (wrong domain / server name). I would like to purchase a
> second certificate for the second domain, and am wondering if this can
> be done, and how one would tell Tomcat (in server.xml) to acknowledge
> the second certificate.
> Currently the stuff in server.xml looks like this:
>   <Connector port="443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
>               maxThreads="150" enableLookups="false" scheme="https"
> secure="true"
>               keystoreFile="./keys/.keystore" keystorePass="myPassword"
>               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />
> I have a bad feeling it's not possible, but wanted to ask anyway.
> Thanks in advance.
> -R

Seems like you should be able to get another certificate and have two
Connector elements, each configured with a different ssl cert (diff.
keystore?).  Each will also have to have an address attribute to bind it
to a specific IP.  I've never actually ever messed with SSL on tomcat so
you may want to look at the tomcat docs and howtos on the subject.


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