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On 3/8/2010 1:31 PM, Robert Jacobson wrote:
> I managed to figure out a way to do it using a jdbc resource and
> sql:query and sql:update tags in a couple JSP files.

Yuck :(

> Well, the code works wonderfully when I don't have any security
> constraints on the application. However, when I try adding security
> constraints (using the same security constraints as the ROOT app), it
> stops working! To be more specific, Tomcat requires me to login to
> access the app, but the sql stuff no longer works. I reduced the problem
> code down to a simple SQL query which works w/o security constraints,
> but fails when I implement constraints.


> However, when I add security constraints, it instead prints only (literally):
> ${row.user_name} ${row.user_pass}
> And that's it!        
> I imagine I'm doing something wrong (well, I'm sure there's multiple
> things...) -- can someone please clue me in? I obviously do not want
> people accessing the /changepass application w/o logging in first. (BTW,
> I can post the changepass code if someone cares, but it doesn't seem
> relevant here...)
> I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I'm using a different JDBC 
> Resource for server authentication and for changepass. Obviously they
> are both accessing the same database, but I wanted to make sure that
> the login process used a read-only account, and /changepass using a
> different account with UPDATE privs. The authentication resource is
> in the GlobalNamingResources, while the /changepass resource is
> defined in the webapp's context.xml.

Did you mean "jdbc/changepass"?

> <sql:setDataSource dataSource="jdbc/chngpass"   />

Typo ("jdbc/chngpass")?

Does the DataSource get set correctly? Any way to check that?

>         <sql:query var="qryAsmts" >
>                 SELECT * FROM users
>         </sql:query>
>         <c:forEach var="row" items="${qryAsmts.rows}">
>                 <tr>
>                 <td>${row.user_name}</td>
>                 <td>${row.user_pass}</td>
>                 </tr>
>         </c:forEach>

That all looks good to me. Check the documentation for <sql:query>: what
does it say if no results are returned and you call qryAsmts.getRows()?

- -chris
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