On 10 March 2010 10:51, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

> Jimmy Spam wrote:
>> Please, excuse my poor english.
> It sounds fine.
>> When I deploy an java app (.war file) with tomcat manager, it create the
>> folder of this app inside of webapps with user: tomcat, group: tomcat  and
>> permissions 750. I need, at least, have write privilege for group (770),
>> since some user of my system (wich are inside of tomcat group), need can
>> modify files of the apps.
>> Can I change this behavior?
>>  Hi.
> Maybe not directly in Tomcat (although since it is open-source, you could
> modify the Manager application yourself).
> Check the umask at the instant Tomcat starts.  If you're starting it as a
service, it may well be starting with umask 027.  You should be able to
override that in the startup script and start Tomcat with umask 007 -
although this would cause *any* file Tomcat writes to be group-writable.

I can't think of a way of doing this on a per-webapp basis.

- Peter

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