
I have a curious situation going on that shouldn't be happening.
Heck, there is a thread on this very list from 2002 discussing it with
subject line "Tomcat shuts down logoff Windows 2000 Server".

You'd think almost 10 years later this shouldn't be happening, and yet
I simply don't know what we've done wrong.

We have the following set-up:

Windows 2003 RC2 with SP2
Tomcat 5.5.27 running with
JRE 1.5.0_15 using server.dll from the 1.5.0_15 JDK.

Believe me, I'd love to update some things, or move to Linux, or
upgrade to Java 1.6x / Tomcat 6x, but most of it isn't in the cards at
the moment.

The situation for the uninitated is as follows:

1 - The above is installed as a Windows Service using the Tomcat installer.

2 - The Tomcat service is set to run as ApplicationServerUser.

3 - The Tomcat service is started.

4 - A Windows user Bob logs in via Remote Desktop set to log in via Console.

5 - When Bob logs out, within moments, ApplicationServerUser also logs
out, stopping the Tomcat service.

This doesn't happen when Bob logs in without Console set to Remote Desktop.

Obviously, the simplest solution would be to not log-in via Remote
Desktop with Console mode, but management has decided that isn't an
effective solution.

The solution of adding -Xrs to the command line does nothing to
resolve the issue.

Some additional info, related:

Is there something I'm missing or am I maybe putting -Xrs into the
wrong place?  I'm using Tomcat5w.exe to edit the service.



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