On 17 March 2010 14:50, Goldberg, Michael1 <michael1.goldb...@citi.com>wrote:

> Hello
> I am using Tomcat version 6.0.x, Spring 2.5 in eclipse 3.4.2.  Trying to
> configure a tomcat webserver which hosts the backend for a flex web app.
> Now on startup tomcat is having an issue resolving some spring dependancies
> which appears to be a classpath issue.  As far as I can tell the classpath
> is set correctly.

How are you testing this?

> What can be the issue?
> Usually, the issue is relying on the class path rather than including *all*
the jars you need with the webapp.  Webapps are intended to be
self-contained, and servlet containers such as Tomcat can modify the
classpath, use their own classloaders that load classes in a well-defined
order that is not what a Java developer expects, and other oddities.

- Peter

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