
I'm all for VM's and I use ESXi at home myself. I can't speak to Xen or other virtualization tech. And I don't think you can make a bootable VM, but I'll admit if I'm wrong. You can check the VMWare forums. I've just found that often times it's easier to sell the client on just letting me plug in my 16Gb USB thumb drive than it is to either let me either install vmware, or boot up their hardware with my own OS. I come from a Gov't contracting background, so commercial sector policies may have a little more flexibility. Just my experience. As far as Xampp goes, I've not had that problem. I set it up once and haven't had to touch it since (I did have to make some changes to the mod_jk.conf, but if you don't need it connected to appache then you can disable that with the Xampp_cli. Xampp also comes with port checker that you can run before you start Tomcat, so you can change your config if need.
Of course the alternative to all this is just host it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Asangansi <>
To : Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Thu Mar 18 8:17:56 2010
Subject: Re: Portable

Thanks alot Chris and Todd,

Yes, i want to avoid conflicts with the host computer's default tomcat ports.

From what you said about using a virtualized server, if i used VM Ware
could it be made bootable? I'd like to try the option

I have actually tried xampp Todd mentioned, but the problem i had with
xampp is that it asks me to setup each time i take it to another pc.
However, i had another tomcat installation before using the
xampp(tomcat) option.

On 3/16/10, Todd Hicks <> wrote:
I'm currently working on a portable development environment for a client. I
have Tomcat 6.0.20 running portably as part of Xampp. I have successfully
configured it to run with the JDK (non-installed) on the same USB device, so
it can be done.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 12:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Portable

Hash: SHA1


On 3/12/2010 4:18 AM, Asangansi wrote:
I have a webapp that runs on tomcat 6.0.2 with a mysql database.

I'm looking at creating a portable version of my server for
demonstration purposes, which will run on a different port other than
the default.
Do you want to avoid port conflicts when running on a client's machine?

So, [I'd] like to know what configuration files i need to [reconfigure]
and files [I wouldn't] need so it could be lighter.
I think you need to ask yourself what is most important: portability and
being self-contained, or running the fastest.

If you want it to run fast, you'll want to run natively /and/ avoid
installing anything on the client's computer: I certainly wouldn't let
you install something on my computer for a quickie demonstration. That
will limit your options to those architectures that are supported by
MySQL (currently Microsoft Windows, most *NIX platforms, and Mac OS X).

Tomcat itself is trivial to run in a "portable" way, since Tomcata
figures out its own installation directory at start-up and runs
everything relative to that.

The problem might be the JVM: I've never tried to run a non-installed
JVM on Microsoft Windows, but it runs perfectly well on a *NIX machine
without any formal installation.

If you want a foolproof environment, go for a virtualized server:
install everything you need, including your webapp, and then just fire
up the VM when doing demonstrations. You could even put a web browser, X
environment, etc. all on your USB memory stick and make the thing
bootable: simply insert the stick and reboot the client's computer: no
interference (aside from the reboot, of course) and you know your
environment will be sane.

- -chris
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