I'm using apache-tomcat-6.0.20 with JASPER 2....

I need to compile a web project (Eclipse WAR application) which is JSP to
JAVA source files.

I'm successfully generating JAVA files from JSP files (Used JASPER 2), but
now i need to get mapping from JSP lines to JAVA lines.
I tried using SMAP feature which available in JASPER 2, but i can't
configure it correctly.

There are two questions i need to ask,

1) Will generating SMAP files will help me to map JSP lines to generated
JAVA lines?

2) How to do this?

JASPER how to doc says - The servlet which implements Jasper is configured
using init parameters in your global $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml.

I edited that web.xml with following code - (used dumpSmap & suppressSmap)


But no luck!!!!

Any help!!!!!


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