On 9 April 2010 22:16, Karin Moscovici <karin.moscov...@correlix.com> wrote:

> Thanks Chris. Indeed, my issue is different than the one you've described -
> The links are deleted from common/lib and server/lib, and their targets are
> unharmed.  I don't know of any other reason that could have possible cause
> the deletion. Thanks for the answer.

Is it happening regularly, or did it happen just once?

Can you examine the .bash_history of any users with access to this system to
see if it was an inadvertent human error?


On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Christopher Schultz <
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Karin,
> >
> > On 4/9/2010 4:55 PM, Karin Moscovici wrote:
> > > I'm using tomcat 5.5 on Linux Centos. Today, after restarting tomcat,
> my
> > > application did not load. In the logs I found NoClassDefError on
> > > org.servlet.jsp.JspFactory class. It seems that the symbolic link to
> > > /usr/shar/java/jsp.jar that was under tomcat/common/lib simply
> > dissappeared.
> > > When I added it using ln -s the problem was solved. This has happened
> to
> > me
> > > once before with HttpServletRequest class and servlet-api.jar from
> > > tomcat/server/lib. Is this a known issue?
> >
> > The only issue I believe Tomcat has with symbolic links is when you have
> > a symbolic link pointing from inside your webapp's deployment directory
> > (say, webapps/mywebapp) and then you perform an "undeploy" operation:
> > that will perform a recursive delete that ravages the target of the
> > symlink.
> >
> > That has been fixed in recent versions: check the ChangeLog for details.
> >
> > It sounds like your issue is something different, though.
> >
> > I don't believe Tomcat deletes any files except those related to actual
> > webapps. Are you sure there's no other way these links could have been
> > deleted?
> >
> > You could make those files (and their parent directories) non-writable
> > by the euid running Tomcat and see if you get any exceptions: that would
> > produce a stack trace proving that Tomcat is trying to delete the file
> > (when it probably shouldn't be).
> >
> > - -chris
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