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On 4/12/2010 2:45 PM, Ramachandiran, Jagan Mohan [OCDUS Non J&J] wrote:
> Recently we migrated from Weblogic to Tomcat 5.5.28. After the migration
> we had issues in viewing special characters in UI, we updated UTF-8
> encoding settings to web.xml and in TOMCATINSTALLDIR/conf/server.xml
> added the URIEncoding parameter to the connector.

Please be specific: what encoding settings did you change in web.xml and
how have you configured your <Connector>?

> Web.xml settings
> <filter>
> <filter-name>Character Encoding</filter-name>
> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.SetCharacterEncodingFilter</filter-class>
> <init-param>
> <param-name>encoding</param-name>
> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value>
> </init-param>
> </filter>
> <filter-mapping>
> <filter-name>Character Encoding</filter-name>
> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
> </filter-mapping>

Note that this (probably) sets the default character encoding for
incoming request bodies.

> Even after adding these setting, we are not able to see the old data
> properly. We are seeing junk characters instead of seeing the actual
> characters. 

The above filter does not change anything about the output of your
webapp: it only changes the way request bodies are interpreted.

> So my questions: 
> 1) Will tomcat properly display the characters that were stored prior to
> the migration? New data is displaying properly. 

Tomcat pretty much just moves bytes around. As long as your webapp does
not cross-code any text, everything should be fine. Is your database
configured to store data in UTF-8? Is your JDBC driver configured to
speak UTF-8? How about your JSPs, etc.: are they configured to emit text
in UTF-8 encoding?

> 2) Are some other settings required to view the old data without seeing
> some junk characters?

You must have changed something else to make your old data look broken.

You should read this:

- -chris
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  • Tomcat and UTF-8 Ramachandiran, Jagan Mohan [OCDUS Non J&J]
    • Re: Tomcat and UTF-8 Christopher Schultz

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