2010/4/18 Christoph Kukulies <k...@kukulies.org>

> I'm experimenting with a wsdl enabled service deplyed to tomcat.
> The build.xml file has
> this section in it:
>   <condition property="lib.home" value="${catalina.home}/shared/lib"
> else="${as.home}
> /lib">
>       <isset property="bld.for.tomcat"/>
>   </condition>
>   <condition property="lib.endorsed"
> value="${catalina.home}/common/endorsed">
>       <isset property="bld.for.tomcat"/>
>   </condition>
>   <condition property="lib.endorsed" value="${as.home}/lib/endorsed">
>       <and>
>           <not>
>               <isset property="bld.for.tomcat"/>
>           </not>
>           <available file="${as.home}/lib/endorsed" type="dir"/>
>       </and>
>   </condition>
> Maybe this file is for Tomcat 5.5 or something, don't know. I chaned the
> shared/lib to /lib already but
> what should I do with common/endorsed?

assuming you are now using tomcat 6:  remove it, it is no longer used

> I'm doing a
> ant -Duse.tomcat=true deploy
> on it
> .
> --
> Christoph Kukulies
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