Frank Lyaruu wrote:
Hi all,

We are trying to use Comet to make our web-service platform more resistent
to heavy loads.
We use HTTP/1.1 POSTS to send our requests (using chunked requests), and the
client waits for the response.

My problem is the following: As far as I can see, I have no way of
(reliably) detecting the end of the request.
I sometimes receive an END event, and sometimes a READ event with 0
available bytes. Those seem to indicate
that the request is complete, but sometimes I just get a few regular READ
events and then nothing.

If I don't use chunking, I can get it to work, as I just 'know' how many
bytes to expect. If I could do the de-chunking
myself I could also detect the final empty chunk + CRLF  to know the request
is done.

My question is: Shouldn't the final chunk always fire an END event, or at
least an empty READ event?

I hope someone can help me, I can supply all sorts of concise testing code.

Have you verified that /the client/ does the chunking properly ?
As far as I recall, it /must/ send a last chunk of size zero to indicate the end of the request, but does it, always ?

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