2010/4/21 Jim Goodspeed <goodspeeds...@gmail.com>:
> Our current setup is two hardware load balancers (layer 4) in front of two
> Apache servers (2.2.14) which sit in front of two tomcat servers (6.0.20).
> The hardware load balancers load balance apache and apache load balances
> tomcat using AJP via mod_proxy.  Apache and Tomcat are running on RHEL4
> 32-bit.  The JVM is 1.6.

1. Note that there can be
"Session does time-out shorter than setting in web.xml when
PersistentManager is used. "

2. Maybe implementing a javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener will
allow you to catch the circumstances when your issue happens.  Note,
that if you add it to ${catalina.base}/conf/web.xml, it will be
present in all the web applications deployed on your server.

That is, if the session actually expires on the server.

> We have a situation where the JSESSIONID seems to get lost
> somewhere in a users transaction - the result is they get kicked back to the
> applications login page (no sessionid so the app thinks they haven't logged
> in).

Do you have any evidences on what actually happens? E.g., you can
iterate over request headers to see if the cookie is actually present,
and what path it contains, etc.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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