Yep.  I don't think this is fixed yet.


On 29/04/2010 10:50, dl wrote:
> I builder tomcat 7.0.0 from svn r939221
> below if my code:
> @MySomeAnn
> public class MySomeClass{...}
> @HandlesTypes(MySomeAnn.class) 
> public class ModuleInitializer implements ServletContainerInitializer 
> { 
>     @Override 
>     public void onStartup(Set> classSet, ServletContext ctx) throws 
> ServletException  
>     {
>         for (Class targetClass : classSet) 
>         { 
>             System.out.println(targetClass.getName());
>             ...
> Here output is "MySomeAnn". Bug I expect output "MySomeClass".
> It's not yet imp Servlet 3.0 spec.
> My code work fine on Glassfish 3.0. The output is "MySomeClass".
> Can anyone help me? Thanks very much.
> dl, 
> 2010-04-29 

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