On 07/05/2010 16:48, Neil B. Cohen wrote:
> I have been running Tomcat 6.x for some time, and building web
> applications with both the Netbeans and Wavemaker IDE. I am now dipping
> my toes into web services for the first time, and I could use a few
> pointers.
> I used Netbeans to construct a simple web service, and a client
> application that uses that service. When I 'deploy' the web service
> inside of Netbeans, it kicks off Tomcat and everything works fine.  So I
> tried copying the .war file for the service to my regular Tomcat
> instance, restarted it, and when I ran the client program it gave me
> this error:
> Exception: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL
> at: http://localhost:8084/WS_RRD_Distributor/WS_Get_RRD_File?wsdl. It
> failed with:
>     Connection refused.
> I have not configured my Tomcat instance to read port 8084 - it is
> running on 8080 by default. So a couple of questions from a beginner in
> this area:
> 1) Are there things I need to add to my basic Tomcat instance in order
> to be able to run SOAP web services?
> 2) How do I get the ports set up correctly - it looks like Netbeans
> chose 8084  - I think that may be arbitrary, but I'm not sure. Since I
> just copied the .war file into Tomcat/webapps, do I need to change
> config files in Netbeans, in Tomcat, both or neither??
> 3) What is the proper procedure for developing a web service using
> something like Netbeans and then deploying that in a target machine
> running Tomcat (I've asked a similar question on the Netbeans mailing
> list - but if the procedure involves modifying Tomcat itself, I figured
> I should ask it here as well...

Why is the client app trying to connect on 8084?  That's the problem,
not the 3 points above, based on your description.


> Thanks in advance
> nbc
> NAME:   Neil B. Cohen (Verisign Inc.)
> PHONE:  703-948-4471
> DOMAIN: nco...@verisign.com
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