could you describe compressed object pointers and how implementation will 
reduce allocations from JVM heap?thx,
Martin Gainty 
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> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 08:17:06 -0500
> Subject: RE: MaxPermSize / Threads
> > From: André Warnier []
> > Subject: Re: MaxPermSize / Threads
> > 
> > So, while I am not saying that there are not circumstances where a 2 GB
> > Heap is justified, it is still a very high number, and maybe you should
> > have a look at which application really needs so much space.
> Having an excessively large heap does not hurt, as long as it's not so large 
> compared to available RAM that it pushes the environment into paging.  GC 
> times are not affected by the size of the heap, just the number of live 
> objects present in the heap.  Being able to run the apps in a smaller heap 
> does allow you to deploy on a cost-reduced platform, but that's about all.  
> If the JVM is the sole application on the box, you might as well give it as 
> much RAM as you've got (unless you want to run with compressed object 
> pointers).
>  - Chuck
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