On 5/17/2010 2:19 PM, peter_f...@blm.gov wrote:
"Caldarale, Charles R"<chuck.caldar...@unisys.com>  wrote on 05/17/2010
12:14:21 PM:

From: Jeffrey Janner [mailto:jeffrey.jan...@polydyne.com]
Subject: RE: Misunderstanding deployOnStartup actions

The only 100% secure system is one that is turned off.

Not sure even that is sufficient...

  - Chuck

You could seal the hard drive in concrete then sink it in the Challenger
Deep... and there's still the chance that some Dr. Evil wannabe would
develop a sub to locate and retrieve it...

I prefer wiping the drive eleven times with cryptographically-sound random data, then grinding the entire computer to a fine talcum-powder consistency, mixing it thoroughly with twenty pounds of dry powdered cement, then stir in the water and gravel to make concrete. When it starts to get thick, start stirring in the ten pounds of small rare-earth magnets, one at a time. Let it set, then dip it repeatedly in molten steel. Finally, use a high-powered electromagnet to lift and drop the resulting brick into the hot part of an active volcano, then push the planet it's on into the nearest star.

I suppose an attacker *might* not be able to recover the data if you skipped the last step, but why take chances?


(I wish I had come up with this one, but can't claim it...)

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