-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 19 May 2010 13:42:28 +0100
> Von: Peter Crowther <peter.crowt...@melandra.com>
> An: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Betreff: Re: Tomcat 6.0.20 "unable to create new native thread"

> On 19 May 2010 13:26,  <tom...@habmalnefrage.de> wrote:
> > java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

first. Thank you all for your fast responses.

> OK, so one possibility is that the Windows thread table is full.

Is there any way to calculate the max threadcount our system can handle?
Or is there any way to expand the thread table that windows can handle more 

> >   - maxThreads for HTTP: 450
> >   - maxThreads for jk: 3000
> That's a huge number of threads for one process.
> >   - MaxThreads for HTTP: 800
> >   - MaxThreads for jk: 450
> That's merely massive.
> >   - all connections shown by netstat -an (not filtered): 4595
> >   - connections in state close_wait: 3152
> That has nothing to do with threads.
> > On the other hand: Shouldn't  windows start to swap if the ram is full?
> Yes.  But that's not the error you're getting.
> > In which memory-area does windows handle the memory which is used for
> the threads? Is it shown in the taskmanager?
> Task manager, Processes tab, View, Select Columns..., tick "Thread Count".

> > Can the OS take the mem which is still unused by the JVM
> (memMax-memTotal) for handling threads or is it reserved for the JVM after 
> starting
> tomcat?
> You are reserving heap and permgen memory when the JVM starts.  Thread
> memory, and kernel resources for threads, are outside of this total.

ok, I will analyse the max mem usage of both tomcats and will decrase the jvm 
max mem a bit. Hopefully the OS has more mem for threadhandling.

> > Due to problems with one of our webapps which sometimes does not close
> the threads completely (they stuck in close_wait-state) we increased the max
> threads of windows:
> >
> >
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pvcvoice/51x/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.wvs.doc/wvs/tun_conwin.html
> That has nothing to do with threads (and CLOSE_WAIT is a feature of
> TCP, not of threads).  That link contains no information about
> increasing the maximum number of threads in Windows.  It links to
> TCP/IP tuning.  Wrong link, or wrong assumption?
> > maxUserPorts have been set to about 30k if i remember correctly.
> That has nothing to do with threads.

Sorry, i meant we increased the max count of available ports, not threads.
But i thought every connection from apache to tomcat results in a thread
within tomcat (jk-connector). But I don't know yet, if the threads of tomcat 
itself and of the connectors are still alive when the connection is in 
close_wait or if the threads are destroyed.

> > Does anyone have an idea to get rid of the exception?
> *Decrease* the number of threads in use in Tomcat 1.  If you set the
> HTTP and JK maxima to the same as Tomcat 2 (which is still very
> large), what happens?  Why?

It should be safe to decrease the max-threads for http (maybe to 10 or so 
because it is only used for administration and monitoring).

After the last downtime 800 jk-threads have been full, thats why I increased 
it. But i could try to go down to 1200 or 1500. Also i can try to decrease the 
max threads of tomcat 2.

Question to the max-Threads defined for tomcat-conectors:
Is the virtual memory for all defined threads allocated when starting tomcat?

The TaskManager shows 514 threads for Tomcat 1 while in sum 3450 threads for 
connections are as max defined in its configuration.

But i will change the config today as told above. Within the next days we will 
see if the problem is solved.

Many thanks again,

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