the URL you land on needs to map to a servlet or jsp



in this case anyone who lands on WebappName/home/*  will invoke package.Servlet


(other than political) there any reason you want to use a JDBC driver on a 
Microsoft Database?

Martin Gainty 
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> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: sneaky JDBC connection (was: THANK YOU ALL for help)
> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 17:34:18 +0200
> Hello and thank you...
> >> As a matter of interest there
> >> remains a bug that I was unable to get on top pf during development.
> >> This minor bug involves loggung out of my application where I need to
> >> refresh the page to show that the user has been logged out.
> >>
> >> The following were tried but failed.... redirectng from the logout
> >> action it (never redirects)
> >
> > So, what does happen if it doesn't redirect?
> >
> It stays on the same page.
> I tried returning "home" from logout method to get controller to redirect 
> but it never rendered the home page and just stayed in the current url.
> I also attempted to try various methods of logging out where I either used a 
> backing method that also returned String after invalidating the session or a 
> hardcoded redirect myself inside the backing bean
> with the JDBC driver, the message does not appear in tomcat logs but I 
> googled anf found something similar ....
> A web application registered the JBDC driver 
> []
> but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent 
> a memory leak,
> the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.
> I found one place I was not closing connection :p
> }
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