Peter Crowther wrote:
On 2 June 2010 09:13, David Karlsen <> wrote:

Caldarale, Charles R Wrote:

You need to use a real JVM (HotSpot, JRockit, IBM), not a toy one.
Remove gcj from your system as quickly as possible.

It seems like packages is having dependency towards gcj. Do
you know perhaps about another repertory that contains prebuilt packages
for Centos 5?

It seems strange dough, that should build packages that is
designed not to work on the system the packages is build for. Are you
certain that it isn't any more convenience way to do this than changing
the JVM?

If you read's mission, it is to use FOSS packages wherever
possible.  Unfortunately, this means that they prefer GCJ (a toy, as Chuck
says) over software that is available for $0 but not free-as-in-speech.
This is an ideological choice, not a technical one.

And, no, there's no more convenient way to fix this than to change the JVM
to a real one.  You don't have to use the Sun JVM; it looks like jpackage
has details for both the BEA and IBM ones.

Let me add something to the above :
I do not have specific experience with CentOS, but I do with Debian Linux.
When you install Debian Linux, by default it will install and configure as default some specific java package (for example gcj or OpenJdk). When you then install Tomcat from a package, this Tomcat package will detect the installed java, and adapt all its links and references in function of that java package. If you then install the Sun or IBM java package, and make it be the default, that leaves these pre-configured Tomcat links partly wrong, and you get in lots of trouble.

The right approach is thus :
- de-install Tomcat (and use some "purge" option to purge all the links it built)
- install a "real" JDK or JRE
- configure this JDK/JRE in your OS as the "default java". This is important.
(For example under Debian this would be done with the command :
update-alternatives --config java
- then re-install Tomcat, so that it finds the correct libraries and creates the correct links, to the "real" JDK/JRE.

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