On 21/06/2010 06:50, Hae Loong Chan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the memory issue/performance with the following situation:
> a. The machine installed with Solaris 10, with memory 2GB and swap space 4GB.
> b. Running Tomcat 5.5.26 with one application at Xmx1024m and -Xmx256m
> using JDK1.5.0_22.
> c. 10 standalone clients are sending the web service request to
> application for processing the task using xmlrpc.jar continuously.
> d. The script is used to get the system properties, e.g. java.home,
> java.class.path, os.name, etc and then construct the http response
> send back the client.
> e. After 1 week plus, the web users require very long time to login
> and somehow the page cannot be displayed.
> I have done the following to monitor the issue:
> a. Monitor the rss, vsz using ps -eo command, found that the rss and
> vsz were increased slightly over time, until hitting 1.70G where the
> web users experience slow performance on the page navigation in the
> tomcat.

Take a thread dump and see what each of the threads are doing when this

> b. I ran the Tomcat by putting the -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails
> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC, then analyzed that the gc
> heap over time is constant.

What is constant?
The size of the heap, or is GC running constantly?

> c. Use jconsole to record the heap and non-heap usage, triggerring
> Full GC, observed that the heap is reset to zero and the non-heap
> won't drop. Non-heap memory usage is increased over time.
> d. Don't know the reason why cannot get the Tomcat runs into
> OutOfMemory, the Tomcat shutdown itself without anything even the
> argument "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" is applied.

What's the last thing in the logs?

Are you using any native components?


> Did I missed out anything to track down the issue? Anyone, please
> suggest and correct me.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Chan.
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