On 29/06/2010 05:38, vinay basavanal wrote:
> Ya sorry for that
>  Tomcat version is 6.0.16
> and am attaching the server.xml file

We don't usually ask you to /attach/ files because the mailing list
sometimes strips attachments, and because various mail archives don't
store them.

One of the advantages of a public mail archive is that other users with
problems can search them and maybe learn from them.  If key information
is in an attached file then it's often not available a few months later,
so they can't see what the problem was.

You also completely ignored the request to remove the comments from your
server.xml.  Details are important.

Create a backup of the server.xml file and then edit out all of the
comments.  You might find it easier to spot what's wrong with the HTTP

> on 8089 ajp connector is defined in xml but i dont know anything about
> ajp connector
> and HTTp is configured on 8081
> when i hit http://localhost:8081 <http://localhost:8081/> i get http 400

See above.

> and when i hit  http://localhost:8089 <http://localhost:8089/> i get
> exception in tomcat console

That's because 'hitting' 8089 won't send a properly formatted AJP
message to the connector.


> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Caldarale, Charles R
> <chuck.caldar...@unisys.com <mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com>> wrote:
>     > From: vinay basavanal [mailto:vinay.s...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:vinay.s...@gmail.com>]
>     > Subject: Re: exception on hitting tomcat url
>     >
>     > i  i have this line can u explain me
>     Highly unlikely that anyone other than your therapist can explain you.
>     You apparently didn't bother to read Pid's suggested link, and you
>     still avoid telling us any useful information, which at the minimum
>     would include the exact versions of all the product involved, the
>     URL you're using, the httpd configuration, and the Tomcat server.xml
>     (minus comments and passwords).
>      - Chuck
>     PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended
>     recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender
>     and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.
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> -- 
> Thanks & Regards
> Vinay
> 9972078950
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