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On 7/14/2010 2:42 AM, Luca Gervasi wrote:
> i'm using (mostly):

What does "(mostly)" mean? You have environments that sometimes deviate
from this configuration? Sometimes you use another Tomcat and/or JDK
just for fun?

> Tomcat: 2.0.26

No, you're not. Maybe 6.0.26?

> JDK: jdk1.6.0_18


> I have clusters of 2-4 tomcats. Is there a way to verify that the
> cluster is working?

What do you define as a "cluster"? Are you just load-balancing between
machines that aren't tied to each other in any way? Are you attempting
to use distributable sessions?

What component is "clusterizing" these machines? Do you have an lb out
front, or Apache httpd + mod_jk/mod_proxy? These details are useful in
helping you.

> I can see no message exchange. is there a way (even
> some jsp code) to ensure that the cluster is working and the number of
> nodes joining it?

You may be able to verify that sessions are being distributed properly
by modifying your own JSESSIONID cookie (or simply running with cookies
disabled and then manually changing the 'jsessionid' parameter in the
URL in order to force connection to a particular backend. Again, this
depends entirely upon your lb strategy (which we don't know).

> Furthermore...is there some debugging tool to see the cluster status?

Logs certainly help. How about providing your startup log from catalina.out?

Also, make sure that you have logging.properties set up in a sane way,
and that you can get debugging output from at least one component.

- -chris
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