Thanks for the reply Chuck.

I don't want to replace the default ROOT webapp, in other words, I don't
want my specific webapp to be ROOT app. But I would like to restrict/hide
information normally exposed by the default ROOT webapp. I am thinking about
renaming ROOT directory to some other-random-name and restrict access to
other-random-name using IP filtering. Any suggestions or comments?

Also, an unrelated question to IP filtering, but related manager webapp.  I
removed 'manager' from webapps directory. Now I am not able to access
http://hostname/manager , but http://hostname/manager/html works. I am not
following how second link is working?  Am I missing anything?


On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: Johan Martinez []
> > Subject: IP based request filters for admin/manager
> >
> > How can I deny access to default welcome/index page,
> > changelog, release-notes etc.?
> If you're deploying Tomcat in any kind of environment that requires
> securing access to various components, you would normally replace the
> default webapp (ROOT) with one of your own, thereby eliminating the
> changelog, release-notes, etc.
> If you want to restrict access to specific resources within a webapp, use
> the servlet-spec defined mechanisms to configure security for the webapp.
>  (Some familiarity with the servlet spec is required before fooling around
> with a servlet container such as Tomcat.)
>  - Chuck
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