Thanks for your help Rainer/Felix,

I've tested several options including mod_substitute and mod_sed and it
seems that mod_substitute is a way to go.

This is my working configuration now:

LoadModule substitute_module modules/
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
Substitute "s|http://myserver|https://load-balancer|i"
Substitute "s|http://load-balancer|https://load-balancer|i"

Don't ask me why there is a last line, I see no logic here, but without it I
still get several http instead https links via load-balancer backend (May be
Sakai or CISCO CSM side fault).

Best Regards,
Leon Kolchinsky

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 20:14, Rainer Jung <> wrote:

> Hi Felix,
> hope you are doing well!
> On 02.08.2010 11:46, Felix Schumacher wrote:
>> Hi Rainer,
>> On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 10:00:57 +0200, Rainer Jung<>
>> wrote:
>>> On 02.08.2010 06:31, Leon Kolchinsky wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've configured Tomcat (apache-tomcat-5.5.26) to run behind Apache Http
>>>> (v.2.2.3 ) using mod_jk.
>>>> We have 2 of those Tomcat servers running on different machines.
>>>> We also configured load balancer (CISCO CSM) which we want to use for
>>> SSL
>>> offloading and LB.
>>>> Load balancer serves https requests and forwards them to http (on the
>>>> above
>>>> servers).
>>>> The problem is that links given by apache - the generated html pages
>>> (by
>>> Sakai app.)  appeared to include http://....
>>>> And this is a major problem since we can't even serve forms from https
>>>> URL's
>>>> (the URL of the page is https://..... but links inside the HTML page
>>>> itself
>>>> are from http://.... format)
>>>> I've been thinking to try to resolve this with ProxyHTMLURLMAp
>>>> (mod_proxy_html) but I have no experience with this module.
>>>> Can someone give me a sample syntax that I can try to include in my
>>> vhost
>>> configuration?
>>>> Below is my virt. host configuration:
>>>> NameVirtualHost *:80
>>>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>> ServerName
>>>> ServerAdmin
>>>> ServerAlias sakai-server
>>>> # if not specified, the global error log is used
>>>> ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/
>>>> CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined
>>>> HostnameLookups Off
>>>> UseCanonicalName Off
>>>> # Add index.jsp to DirectoryIndex files
>>>> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php4
>>>> index.php3 index.phtml index.cgi index.jsp
>>>> JkMount /* worker1
>>> It might be worthwhile finding out, why sakai produces wrong links. E.g.
>>  if you are using mod_jk to connect Apache to Tomcat, and you are talking
>>  HTTPS to Apache, then the calls the isSecure(), getScheme(),
>>> getProtocol() will return the information as seen by Apache, so the
>>> webapp is able to find out that https is used and it seems to be a bug
>>> in sakai.
>> as I understood the issue, the problems arise from using a loadbalancer in
>> front of the apache httpd servers, which are using mod_jk to communicate
>> with the tomcats. The loadbalancers are terminating the ssl connection and
>> presumably
>> changing hostnames too.
> Ah OK, missed that.
>  But given the documentation link you gave below, it should be easy to
>> configure
>> the vhost in apache httpd (or two - one for ssl, one for non-ssl traffic)
>> by
>> setting JkEnvVar for scheme, hostname and port if necessary.
>> If I read
>> correctly, one could
>> use proxyPort, proxyName and scheme in the ajp-connector.
> If using mod_jk, you can tell mod_jk, that it should derive the
> information, whether SSL is used or not from some Apache environment
> variable. You can the set the variable as you like e.g. depending on the
> client IP is the connection coming from the loadbalancer) or some other
> params.
> So you would use
> JkHTTPSIndicator MyHTTPSIndicator
> to let mod_jk check the variable "MyHTTPSIndicator" instead of the Apache
> builtin "HTTPS" variable, whether HTTPS is used.
> Then you have to set the env var to "On" for each request you know, that it
> is actually using https from the client point of view, e.g.
> SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "10\.0\.0\.27" MyHTTPSIndicator=On
> where e.g. 10.0.27 is the address of the load balancer (if the requests
> arrive actually with this IP, see the acess log).
> Or you use a separate port and vhost in Apache where you connect the LB to
> and you know everything on this port was originally HTTPS, then you could
> simply set MyHTTPSIndicator always to On in this vhost.
> Regards,
> Rainer
>  See for instance:
>>> If you are using http between Apache and Tomcat (not AJP13), then there
>>> are connector settings for Tomcat to let the webapp know, that you are
>>> actually using HTTPS on the proxy.
>>> If you can't fix it like this but instead really have to parse response
>>> pages and replace links in them, three Apache module choices are
>>> mod_proxy_html (which you already mentioned), mod_substitute and
>> mod_sed.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rainer
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Leon Kolchinsky
Senior Software Specialist (Collaborative Applications)
ITS Research Support Services
Monash e-Research Centre (MeRC)
Monash University
tel: +61 3 99059560

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