
I am not Complaining about TOMCAT and have been using this form since year 2000

My Request to the Form is about the Tomcat Connector 
(mod_jk-1.2.28-httpd-2.2.3.so )  which Connects between 1 APACHE HTTP and 1 
JBOSS (Tomcat built in)

As requested by the Form I have provided the TCP Dump details.

>> You are the one who wants help.

Does this mean if some body out there ( 1 out of 100000... Installers ) is 
reporting a flaw ...would be snubbed.

>> But it is not as clear to someone who is not at your location, cannot see
your systems or your screen, does not know your code, and has to rely 
*exclusively* on
what you write to this list.

I have provided most of the Info using the tools the form has asked me to.

>> So when someone is asking you, nicely, to simplify the problem, eliminate 
>> the browser, and
use wget or something similar to make the request, it is not in order to bug 

My sincere Apologies if I have offended the form users

>>Similarly, when you say "when the same test cases were done from INTERNAL IP 
>>on the same
Application", that is not clear at all to some of us.
Can you explain, in detail, what that means ?

An WEB - Application of ours in Production is hosted on  JBOSS( Tomcat built in 
) and uses mod_jk-1.2.28-httpd-2.2.3.so, Apache 2.2.1 to the INTERNET
as http://www.xyx.com/abcd

In this case the TCP Dump displays 2 Post requests. ........... :(

The Application is also accessible via internal port of JBOSS (Tomcat built in 
) via INTRANET as http://<IP>:<Port>/abcd

In this case the TCP Dump displays 1 Post requests.  .............. :)

With regards

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:43 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: 2 POST requests to underlying Server

Karthik Nanjangude wrote:
> Hi
>>> So do both browsers report the same error?
> If needed I can even share the "Access Logs" of Apache so that the browser 
> details match [ IE 7+ / FFox 3+ ] are as available.
>>> And what was the period in each case?  Exactly 12.1 seconds?  For both
> Browsers types?
> Yes Approximately 12 sec in case of both browsers.
>>> what is the resource type being generated a JSP or another file type?
> I presume the u are asking about the Controller page which is of type JSP 
> /Struts based application at the JBOSS(Tomcat built in)
> I am still confused when the same test cases were done from INTERNAL IP on 
> the same Application as per tcp dump displays 1 Post request.

Just some basic observations for your consideration :

1) Tomcat is free and open-source software. It is made by volunteers, on their 
free time.
  You are free to use it, but there is no guarantee of any kind.
2) This list is also managed and answered by volunteers, who do their best, on 
their own
free time.  There is no guarantee of support, it is all on a best effort base.
3) You are the one who wants help.

Yes ?

4) Your configuration and your setup, and what you see in your logfiles, may 
all be very
clear to you.  But it is not as clear to someone who is not at your location, 
cannot see
your systems or your screen, does not know your code, and has to rely 
*exclusively* on
what you write to this list.

Specially, when you report a problem that, to many here, seems very unlikely.

What I am saying above, is that it belongs to you to provide clear and detailed
information, so that someone here can (maybe) help you.
It is not the reverse, where people here have to squeeze information out from 
you, and
spend a lot of time doing so.  Many people just do not have the time and 
patience to do that.

So when someone is asking you, nicely, to simplify the problem, eliminate the 
browser, and
use wget or something similar to make the request, it is not in order to bug 
It is so that they have one less possible cause of trouble to worry about, and 
concentrate on the (possible) problem with mod_jk or Tomcat.

Similarly, when you say "when the same test cases were done from INTERNAL IP on 
the same
Application", that is not clear at all to some of us.
Can you explain, in detail, what that means ?

If it helps, make a picture, like :

case a)

client -> apache -> mod_jk -> tomcat

result : 2 POSTs

case b)

client -> Tomcat

result : 1 POST

Is is that ?

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