Jonathan Camilleri wrote:
I want to run PHP basically, and, Apache Tomcat is a pre-requisite.

I think you have got some things right, and other things wrong then.

In my opinion, Apache Tomcat might not be the best choice as a webserver to host PHP scripts. And you do not need Java for that either.

On the other hand, your first choice of file to install (httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi), which is Apache httpd (a different program than Tomcat, but also a very good webserver), was probably right.

But then, you are also on the wrong help list, because this one is for Apache Tomcat, not for Apache httpd.

Go to :
and look for the mailing list instructions there.

In the meantime, a quick fix (to run Apache httpd, supposing you have installed 
it) :
- turn off IIS
- start the Apache2.x service (NOT Apache Tomcat)
- access http://localhost:80

And if in the future you get tired of PHP scripts, and want to try Java servlets and JSP pages, then come back here and we will help you with that.

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