Yawar Khan wrote:
Felix, the issue still persists, i dont know what else to do? and i dont know why this issue is popping up on linux enviroment only. under windows there is no session mixup issue.

Now this are no class wide variables and i had moved them inside the login function.
This thread is already very long, and I think that by now most people have lost the ability to folllow what is really going on.
Let me summarise and give you a few tips :

1) start again, clean : first, update your Tomcat (on both platforms) to the latest 6.0 release, which is 6.0.29. That should not take long, if you just downloaded and installed the standard version from http://tomcat.apache.org, as you mentioned.
Then, make sure that your latest application code is exactly the same on both 
Then test again, and see if you still have the problem.

2) it seems that, whatever your problem is, people here are of the general opinion that it is due to something in your code, not in the Tomcat code. Some people have already pointed out some apparent mistakes in your code, and you say that you have corrected them. But now the situation may have become confused as to which code you are exactly running on the two platforms.

The people who answer on this list do it on their own time. They focus mainly on answering questions about the released Tomcat code, and about Tomcat configuration. They are less willing generally to invest a lot of time scrutinising and debugging your application code. For that, you should use some other help.

3) the fact that you say that the problem does not occur under Windows, and does occur under Linux, is not a proof that something is wrong with Tomcat/Linux. The Tomcat java code is the same in both cases. What differs is the Java JVM under which it runs, but even that is supposed to hide the differences to the Java applications (of which Tomcat is one). But there can be so many other differences in the architecture and in your setup between these two platforms, that a problem in your code can easily show up in one case, and not in the other. People here do not have your setup, so they cannot determine these differences and find out how they might or not contribute to the issue.

4) If you think nevertheless that it has something to do with an error in Tomcat itself, (which is still possible, nothing is ever perfect) then instead of posting a bunch of application code and asking people to debug it, you could invest some time in adding a lot of debugging log messages in your code, and try to spot yourself where the mixup occurs. Make sure to add some information that allows to determine if two or more simultaneous threads or sessions are stepping on eachother's data. If through that you can clearly see where the mixup occurs, and it does not appear to be the result of a logic error in your own code, then post here some clear information showing the problem.
Then, start a new thread here, with a new subject.

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