On 25/08/2010 15:17, Paul Bourget wrote:
> I assumed that this indicates be a port conflict before I googled this
> problem.  Every solution I found said "find and resolve the port
> conflict".  I cannot find the conflict.
> [r...@localhost logs]# netstat -a | grep 8209
> [r...@localhost logs]#
> [r...@localhost logs]# netstat -a | grep 8606
> [r...@localhost logs]#
> [r...@localhost logs]# ps -ef | egrep 'httpd | apache | tomcat |
> catalina'
> root      3036     1  0 Aug24 ?        00:00:00 Xvnc :5 -desktop
> localhost.localdomain:5 (root) -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -auth
> /root/.Xauthority -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth
> /root/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5905 -pn
> Here's the log output

Please make a backup of your server.xml.
Remove all of the comments and any passwords from it.
Post it (inline) here.


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