Hello list! :)

Here at work I was asked to give a try on load balancing two tomcat servers running tomcat 6.0.29. The problem is that I was given only two servers to do this, what gave me only one option: run the apache in one of these servers. So I decided to put the apache httpd server which is going to balance the load among the two tomcat server in the Server A (suppousing I have server A and B running linux). My application which needs to be balanced has "/agent" context.

Everytime I access the URL http://servera/agent my request is redirect either to http://servera:8080/agent or http://serverb:8080/agent. To my understanding, with load balancing, my url would remain http://servera/agent and the redirect would take place behing the scene and I would never see any redirect to tomcat connector port (8080). By the way, i am running the load balancing with mod_proxy in the apache server and my configuration is as follow:


ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
ProxyPass /status !
ProxyStatus On
ProxyRequests Off

<Location /balancer-manager>
   SetHandler balancer-manager
   Order Deny,Allow
   Deny from all
Allow from localhost </Location>

<Location /status>
   SetHandler server-status
   Order Deny,Allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from all

<Proxy *>
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

<Proxy balancer://cluster>
BalancerMember http://servera:8080/agent/ route=worker0 keepalive=On loadfactor=1 BalancerMember http://serverb:8080/agent/ route=worker1 keepalive=On loadfactor=1 ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests maxattempts=3 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid

<Location /agent>
   ProxyPass balancer://cluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID
   ProxyPassReverse balancer://cluster/


Not happy with this scenario, i decided to install the apache httpd server in my laptop and made it as my load balancer instead of using servera to load balance. For my surprise, it worked out of the box with no extra configuration other than the one set up in my servera. I see no redirects to 8080 tomcat's port, due to my overall tests i could see only my desired url: http//localhost/agent (since i was running my tests with apache installed locally).

So my question is: does it make sense to have the load balancer in the same server as one of the balanced server/application? Does mod_proxy support this?

Many thanks for all the attention


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