Overall I think this is a rock-and-a-hard-place issue.

ThreadLocals work wonderfully behind opaque library walls in most cases.

The exception is when there are threads used with your library whose lifecycle is beyond that of the classloader which loads your library -- as in Tomcat web apps, for instance. Working around this can force library authors to have init() and destroy() methods for their library to clean up ThreadLocals, which isn't at all nice for library authors (as no try { /* stuff setting thread locals */ } finally { /* remove thread locals */ } isn't really always a workable pattern for all libraries).

This is a pervasive enough pain that I'm beginning to think that there should be a web app reload mode which marks all existing threads as "dirty", i.e. to be replaced at the end of the current request in progress (or immediately if no request is in progress). Sure, this cuts down on the performance of web app reloading, but it solves the problem in its entirety without asking all library authors to rewrite their libraries!

Jess Holle

On 8/30/2010 4:08 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Bill Davidson [mailto:bill...@gmail.com]
Subject: iCal4j and ThreadLocal
The iCal4j author assures me that this isn't really a memory leak.
I suppose it depends on your definition of memory leak, but I'd certainly 
consider it one.  It adds to the heap, and doesn't go away automatically when 
the application is undeployed (and likely prevents complete undeployment).  
Furthermore, when the application is redeployed, you'll get an additional set 
per thread, since the net.fortuna.ical4j.* classes will be loaded from a new 

It's just creating some small static variables on per thread basis.
"All I changed was..."  No, it's doing a lot more than that.

I'm not really clear on how ThreadLocal works.

And, as usual, GIYF.

Is there no way for me to kill these?
Not easily.  Most uses of ThreadLocal seem to be blissfully (sometimes 
arrogantly) unaware of thread-pooling mechanisms and app servers.  Ideally, 
these ThreadLocal instances would instead be created in a pool for the webapp 
to use, rather than being tied to individual threads.

Alternatively, if it really is harmless, is there a way to
turn off these messages?
It's not harmless.  I think you can inhibit the checks by disabling the 


but that pretty much means that, for safety's sake, you should restart Tomcat 
on every webapp deployment.

  - Chuck

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