
We have a web application deployed on Tomcat server and is working pretty fine, 
except in one mode. The web application is available through 2 modes of links - 
one is regular without load balacer and other is Single Sign On based through 
load balancer. The normal mode works fine with one start after new war 
deployment. However SSO link through load balancer does not work fine. When 
stooped and started again, it works just fine.

Here is the sample directory structure:

Deployment Procedure:
Stop the server
Copy the new war to webapps replacing the old one
remove the complete diretcory of MyApp recursively (rm -rf MyApp)
start the server

We try both the links of application. The normal one works just fine first time 
itself. The SSO link shows up the directory listings page of webapps directory 
showing the MyApp.war and MyApp directory link.
Now all we need to workaround this is just stop the server again and then start 
it. Surprisingly both SSO mode link and normal works totally fine.
This is recurring problem. Is there a proper permanent fix to this?

Please note the web.xml in Tomcat/conf directory has below

Please note the web.xml in Tomcat/webapps/MyApp/WEB-INF directory has below

The application has only myapp.jsp and none of index.* files

myapp.jsp is as below

Somehow first time when new war is deployed, old exploded directory is deleted 
and server is started, the Tomcat might not be finding xcard.jsp or the 
application specific web.xml and hence it is listings the directory based on 
settings in Tomcat/conf/web.xml.  No exceptions in log file.
Second time however it finds the web.xml and xcard.jsp and hence works.

We even tried changing deployment procedure not to delete the exploded 
directory and rest of steps same. But it does not help either. If we drop the 
new war while the server is running, it does not take the changes in new war.


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