On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <
chuck.caldar...@unisys.com> wrote:

> > From: Wesley Acheson [mailto:wesley.ache...@gmail.com]

>  > How many people would be interested in it persisting its
> > settings, by editing the appropriate files.
> I would be interested.  Note that there's only one file to edit:
> conf/server.xml.

Honestly I thought there was more than one going from this

> > Is that in theory possible?
> It's all software...
> > to add the folder structure and the appropiate
> > context.xml files.
> That's not necessary - the conf/Catalina/[host]/... files are already
> created automatically as webapps are deployed under the new <Host>.  Only
> conf/server.xml needs to be updated.

I've just created a host using the host manager. And deployed a war. I don't
see such a file. just the manager.xml

> > Would it interfere too badly with tomcat while
> > it was running?
> No, Tomcat only reads server.xml during startup.  Whatever update mechanism
> is used must insure that the file is never in an unparsable state (e.g.,
> don't update in place, instead create a new file and then rename it).
Understood for server.xml is the same true of the context files though?

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