Tomcat 5.5.23, sun-jdk 1.5.0_11, CentOS 4.8. Tomcat was built/installed from upstream. Tomcat service starts and runs normally if user tomcat's entry in /etc/passwd has "/home/tomcat:/bin/bash" but not if it has "/dev/null:/sbin/nologin". Would rather have it work set to the latter, which seems to be the "industrially correct" thing to do.

I discovered this when I was trying to fix the Tomcat service failing to start and I changed the tomcat user account to look like a normal user's so I could execute manually via su. I had to chmod +x some .sh files that the install script did not set and then executing could start and stop the instance, but now I can only start the service with the tomcat user account left like that.

- Jeff

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