Thanks to note about disadvantages of using JDBCRealm, but about tomcat
login-surviving, I still see login-page, after web-app reload or tomcat
restart... even default configuration presents....

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Mohammad,
> (Note the change in spelling of "principal". Principle is a notion or
> laws or morals.)
> On 9/13/2010 2:37 PM, Mohammad M. AbuZer wrote:
> > I'm using tomcat 7.0.2 BETA, I used JDBCRealm, and I think it uses by
> > default GenericPrinciple at org.apache.catalina.realm, which do not
> > implement Serializable interface,
> Note that the Principal itself is not stored as a session attribute, and
> is therefore not "serialized" in the way you are thinking. Tomcat should
> be able to persist the user's session information across a Tomcat
> restart. I happen to witness that capability several times per day
> personally (though in Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0, not 7.0).
> Also, note that JDBCRealm has long bees associated with poor performance
> due to it's use of a single Connection object for all authentication.
> Consider using DataSourceRealm along with a connection pool instead.
> Are you getting any errors in your log files? Usually, when a user's
> session seems to expire "during" a Tomcat restart, it's because the
> session itself is not serializable due to an object that application
> code has carelessly inserted into the session. That usually emits an
> error during session saving or re-loading.
> - -chris
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Best Regards

Mohammad M. AbuZer*
Junior Java Developer
Mobile: +962-78-5416416

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