Thanks Chis. I'll make sure the AccessLogValve is configured
correctly. Currently the app is not clustered. It it ever becomes
clustered, I will make sure we keep this in mind.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeff,
> I've re-arranged some of your comments so that my questions make a bit
> more sense.
> On 9/23/2010 4:13 PM, Jeff Thorn wrote:
>> I am sure there are no sessions now. Its a REST based XML API.
>> So my question is what kind of overhead does getSession() have? If its
>> anything more than just generating an uid and settings a response
>> header, I will just do that myself. But I would rather not reinvent
>> the wheel since the session api does exactly what I want.
> Is this clustered at all? If you are using a cluster and want your
> session ids to be consistent, then there can be some overhead in
> notifying the other servers that a new session has been created, etc.
> Other than that, creating empty sessions and referencing them with every
> request is going to have a pretty minimal impact unless your webapp does
> very little with each request (like a web service that adds to numbers
> provided by the client). Things like file and database access
> overwhelmingly dominate the equation.
>> The session id will simply end
>> up in the access log files so we can group by and count unique
>> sessions.
> Session ids don't typically show up in access log files: you'll have to
> configure your logging to do this. The AccessLogValve can certainly do
> this for you.
>> The clients of the API do support cookies and will return
>> the session id in subsequent requests.
> Perfect: that will pretty much be a requirement, unless the clients are
> willing to accept a session id some other way and then add
> ";jsessionid=[the session id]" to the end of every request URL they use.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
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> =1tse
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Jeff Thorn
Thorn Technologies, LLC
(443) 255-2803

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