
I Installed tomcat 5.5.20 version in my Windows 2008 server and the java
version is Java 1.6.0.b105.We are using  2 Mbps Bandwidth Leased line.In
tomcat we hosted around 5(five) application.When the no of seesion increases
more than 1600 session the total application is slow and not able to open
the application sometime.

In order to solve your problem, you must first determine what is the bottleneck of your system. Is it a) network, b) RAM, c) CPU, or d) hard disk? Use appropriate tools to figure that out first.

I must notice that 1600 sessions is quite a large number for 2mbps link. Do you invalidate sessions and do you have a session timeout setting?

Some frameworks, like JSF implementations, might introduce extensive session creation if not used properly. Please explain when is your session created and when is destroyed.

1) How can I tune this application in server side for better performance in
tomcat side as well as java?

That depends on the reason for slow down. Most of the time it is not JVM or Tomcat's fault, but faulty webapp.

For start, I would recommend to analyze JVM memory consumption, memory dump, session content, and to tweak with -Xmx and -Xms parameters, if you didn't already do that.

Also watch for garbage collection, how often it happens and when.

2) I noticed that the current thread busy count is less but the number
session is more.What might be the problem?

Those two are not directly related. Active busy thread count is related to the number of *simultaneous* requests, while active sessions might not issue requests at all (just waiting to be invalidated upon timeout).

3)More over for a IP more sessions are opened(noticed via Lambda probe).Is
there any problem in that?

Sorry, I don't understand this question.

4)What is mean by serilizable? For my application it is showing as "No"

That means that Tomcat will be able to persist your sessions to hard disk in case of shutdown, and to reload them upon start up. Which means that if your sessions are serializable, you will be able to keep them across Tomcat restarts, while if they are not, they will be lost.

5)What is mean by a)Max Threads b)Min and Max spare threads c)current thread
count and current thread busy?

a. Maximum number of threads Tomcat will create to answer your clients request. That should be over of predicted maximum number of simultaneous requests (not sessions!).

b. Minimum and maximum of threads that are currently not answering any requests. Minimum will ensure that there is available thread when new request comes, and maximum will ensure that JVM does not keep too many threads doing nothing and eating up resources.

c1. Current number of active threads processing requests, or waiting to process requests.

c2. Current number of active threads processing requests.

They relate like this:

thread_busy <= thread_busy + spare_min <= thread_active <= thread_busy + spare_max <= max_threads


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