At the end of this page :

there is this paragraph :

If you have multiple instances of Tomcat, each with a separate $CATALINA_HOME but a shared $CATALINA_BASE, then you can configure log4j on a per instance basis by replacing references to $CATALINA_HOME in the above instructions with $CATALINA_BASE. Note that you may need to create a $CATALINA_BASE/lib directory.

Is there not an inadvertent inversion in that paragraph ?
Should it not be

If you have multiple instances of Tomcat, each with a separate $CATALINA_BASE but a shared $CATALINA_HOME, then you can configure log4j on a per instance basis by replacing references to $CATALINA_HOME in the above instructions with $CATALINA_BASE. Note that you may need to create a $CATALINA_BASE/lib directory.

Note that this has been fixed in the equivalent Tomcat 7 page at

At first sight, it also looks as if the 6.0 version of the whole page could be fixed by overwriting it (apart from the header part) with the 7.0 version, which also corrects another couple of mistakes.

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