You can, although you'll have to reconfigure Tomcat in order to do this.

However, it sounds like you want to place your war file where Apache httpd can 
see it (after enabling the mod_userdir and configuring it). If you do this and 
serve that directory with Apache httpd, some very unpleasant things will happen.

kc8pdr/WEB-INF, and kc8pdr/META-INF will be visible. If you are using a 
element in context.xml (stored in kc8pdr/META-INF), any information (like user 
names and passwords) will be visible to the world. Although you can prevent 
by doing some more configuration work in Apache httpd, this requires extra 

JSP pages will come across as text and code, not HTML. Servlets will come 
as binary files, which users will be asked to download.

Apache httpd does not run JSP, servlets, or any other Java-based technology.

If you want to serve Tomcat applications via Apache httpd, you'll have to 
connect the two with mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_ajp, or mod_ajp. To get an 
understanding on how to use mod_ajp, go here:

Doing this passes requests for your Java web application from Apache httpd to 
Tomcat. Tomcat is doing all the work, and depending on your requirements (not 
stated), Apache httpd will e contributing little more than complexity.

If you are only serving Java web applications, then you might just be better 
not running Apache httpd and switching Tomcat to port 80. Front Tomcat with 
Apache httpd when you're running additional applications (such as PHP, Python, 
or Perl), or have Apache httpd plugins that don't have counterparts in Tomcat.

. . . . just my two cents.


----- Original Message ----
From: William Biggs <>
Sent: Sat, October 2, 2010 7:57:30 PM
Subject: deploy a war file

if I name a war file called kc8pdr.war and after I upload it to my
tomcat and restart it it put it a folder called kc8pdr . How do I get it
to do it in the public_html folder instead 


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