Pid wrote:
On 09/10/2010 06:14, efftronics wrote:
Hi , I installed apache tomca 6.0.18 sucessfully.

Why such an old version?

In some web application i want to write data to comm port, but my application 
" : unable to open port : com1".i sucessfully installed
java communication api. it it working for other normal java application only
with applications deployed on apache tomcat i am getting this problem.
please help me. SerialComm com1 = new SerialComm(null ,"com1"); com1.setBitRate("115200");; // here i am getting exception

That doesn't really help me understand the problem.  Perhaps you could
post the full stacktrace?

Which OS are you using?

What's the exact JVM version?

It is not only Tomcat which sounds old here.
Apparently, the OP is trying to open a serial COM1: port of a PC and write to 
I have not heard of this kind of thing for many years, and I am surprised that Java would even have an API for it.

what exception are you getting ? can you paste the stack trace here ?

This may be a case of Security Manager interference, no ?

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