Just query the database. Enable query caching in mysql. And only optimize in 
java if you see a bottleneck.
My mysql does 15000 queries/sec.

What is your expectation of number of queries?


Op donderdag, 28 oktober 2010 19:31 schreef falva...@geocom.com.uy:

Dear All,

                I'm currently using Tomcat 6.0.28 and having some doubt on
how to solve and implement this problem:

                               My webapp has a MySQL Database with a table
named "parameters", in which we have just two columns ("property" and
"value"). This table is acceded many times but doesn't change often.

                               For performance purposes I want to save this
parameters in the user's tomcat session, so they are read from memory and
not database. So far so good.

                               Now the problem: how can I tell this sessions
that an attribute has changed?

                I had suggestions of using "context variables" instead of
"session variables", but that didn't solve the problem.

Any help in this matter is more than welcome. I have no problem in changing
the approach, and may be not use sessions at all.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

                Federico Alvarez.


                Tomcat 6.0.28

                Java 1.6

                MySQL 5.5

                NOT USING HIBERNATE, so 2nd Level cache is not an option

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