

In my Linux machine, I'm using the JVM version 1.6.0_11-b03. On top of that,
I only run Tomcat 6.0.29. On that Tomcat installation, I'm running a couple
of sites, both of them use exactly the same code, actually it is the same
WAR. So they are two apps, but we could consider them as one.

The problem is that the RAM usage in the server starts to grow day by day,
until Tomcat stops (freezes? hungs?) and my two sites stop working.
According to the OS (Linux), it is the Tomcat process that is taking up all
that amount of RAM. 

When I restart Tomcat, it starts fine again, but starts to grow in memory
usage day by day again, until it crashes.

I don't think my app is taking all this RAM, because when I restart it, the
RAM usage doesn't go down. It does only if I restart Tomcat itself, instead
of my app running there.

It seems like if Tomcat is leaving garbage in the JVM or something like

According to the Tomcat manager application, in the "server status" page,
the JVM "total memory" value grows all the time. In this very moment, for
example, it says this: "Free memory: 178.94 MB Total memory: 565.58 MB Max
memory: 692.25 MB". The "total memory" value is the one that starts growing
when Tomcat starts.


Does anybody know what should I do to solve this?




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