Amol Puglia wrote:
Hello Andre,

Thanks for the updates. I am not using mod_jk , I am using proxy modules for 
redirecting request from apache to tomcat.

Ok, sorry, I confused your post with another one.

But anyway, your configuration shows a whole lot of proxy modules, many of which do not seem to have any relation with proxying calls to Tomcat. Such as these :

>> LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
>> LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
>> LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/

The following /may/ have a relation with the proxying to Tomcat, but which one are you really using ?

>> LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
>> LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/

Usually, people use *either* mod_proxy_http *or* mod_proxy_ajp, so which one is being used ? Can you provide some information about the apache httpd configuration that shows what is being proxied and how ?

As you said that there is problem in application code, Is there anything we can 
point out where exactly is the problem in the code or configuration?

I thought that Pid already pointed that out.

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