It is not just you. I received some emails from ed as well.


             André Warnier                                           
             18-11-2010 12:04          Tomcat Users List               
             Please respond to                                         
               "Tomcat Users                                       Subject
                   List"               [OT] re : spam                  

I am starting to receive quite a bit of spam from a guy named "Ed" about
career moves etc..
Somehow it seems to originate from (or maybe simply mention) the tomcat
users list as a
"reply-to".  I have also seen at least one message like that in the list
Anything that should/can be done about this ?  Does it mean that someone
harvested the
list of subscribers to the list, or worse ?

Or is it just me ?

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Received: from ( [])
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of
designates as permitted sender)

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