Robillard, Greg L wrote:
I am relatively unfamiliar with tomcat.  I am currently running 6.26 in a 
production system that support 1 webapp for approximately 60 clients that 
continually poll the server for updates ( weather files ).

Is there any reason why I should upgrade to tomcat 7.0 release.

Unless you have a problem, not with any urgency, no.
You may want to upgrade to 6.0.29, which is the real current version in the 6.0 series (see, and which will not break anything.

I am still quite happily running systems with Tomcat 5.5. I would not recommend this as a general practice, but as long as there is no problem..

An old saying is : if it's not broken, don't fix it.

I expect some comments on the above personal views.

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