Hello everybody,

I am running a server with tomcat 6 installed and running for a long time. I
deploy the war files remotely with the following command in my browser :

[Server location]/manager/deploy?path=/&war=file:[pathtoFile]/index.war
[Server location]/manager/deploy?path=/user&war=file:[pathtoFile]/user.war

Recently I went on this address while index.war was being transferred with

It failed and thrown :

fail deployed application at context path /

I waited until the end of the previous transfer and I decided to deploy the
good file but the same message appeared again. I tried with other valid .war
files and I always got the same error.
I tried to deploy the index.war file to another context path like : /index
and it worked.

It looks like the context path / is locked, do anybody had the same problem
 I tried rebooting tomcat's server but it doesn't change anything to the
I'd like to avoid reinstalling the whole tomcat server for such a mistake

Thank you for your help !

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