I have used Jboss for a long time, but recently we've removed our dependencies 
on a full blown J2EE container so that we can run in Tomcat.  I am trying to 
modify my development environment to support our standard workflow, but I can't 
figure out how to get Tomcat to run a specific application as opposed to every 
application under the webapps directory.  I've done a lot of searching, I'm 
beginning to think that Tomcat does not support this type of operation, but I 
wanted to verify that before I rethink our process.

So IF Tomcat worked just like Jboss then this is how it WOULD work.  I have two 
versions of my application, compiled and ready to run.  They are in the 
following directories:


When I want to start up MyApp_V1, I would pass that name into the startup.bat 
or catalina.bat.  In my Jboss deployments I simply start Jboss using 'run -c 
MyApp_V1'.  Our application's start up time is not insignificant, so starting 
both apps is a very bad thing, especially since I'll probably have more than 
two versions.  Obviously, I could copy MyApp_Vx in and out of the webapps 
directory as needed, but this type of operation can confuse my IDE, so I'd like 
to avoid it.

I am running on Windows XP and the tomcat version is 6.0.29.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.

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