GET and POST are HTTP verbs/operations.

It is impossible to have a combo GET/POST.  Which ever verb is specified in the 
HTTP headers is what will control whether doGet or doPost is called.

You are correct that GET and POST reference data differently, however they are 
actions and not "areas of data" in an HTTP request.



------Original Message------
From: Larry
To: users
ReplyTo: Tomcat Users List
Subject: GET and POST data in same request
Sent: Dec 2, 2010 17:21


I need to have an apache mod_rewrite pass a request ( which contains
POST data ) along to my servlet with some GET parameters.

I think when Tomcat sees the GET params, it invokes my servlet's doGet
( which annihilates my POST data ).

I need to be able to access both the GET data from the request URL and
the POST data from the body.

Is this possible? Maybe its not tomcat's fault ;)

Any insight is welcome, thanks.


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