On Tuesday, December 07, 2010 14:34:55 Aggarwal, Ajay wrote:
> Aggarwal, Ajay wrote:
> > My tomcat application (running on a linux host) has 2 types of clients.
> > Local clients coming on localhost (
>   and external clients
> > coming on external interfaces. I want to enforce use of SSL only for
> > external clients. How do I do that? If I use <security-constraint> I am
> > assuming it will apply to both local as well as external clients.

Perhaps Url Rewrite Filter http://www.tuckey.org/urlrewrite can be set up to 
redirect all http requests to https with the same URL?

Something like (not tested)

        <condition type="scheme" operator="equal">^http$</condition> 
        <condition type="remote-addr" operator="notequal"></condition> 
        <to type="permanent-redirect" 

Nicholas Sushkin, Senior Software Engineer, Manager of IT Operations
Open Finance Aggregation eXchange <http://www.aggex.com>

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